Matt Goldberg

Confabulation presents: Montreal Stories — Our 5-year Anniversary

Break out the birthday cake, and don those points hats. It’s our fifth-birthday! Confabulation is so grateful to all you wonderful people for supporting Montreal’s longest-running monthly true-life storytelling series these many years, and we’re having a party to celebrate. As always, great stories shared by the people that lived them. As every birthday, cake.

Confabulation presents: Montreal Stories — Our 5-year Anniversary Read More ยป

Confabulation Presents: Bad Medicine

Bad Medicine: Stories of cures, curses, and confusing the two. Medicine Hat, Medicine Man, Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman, Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down? Expect stories about problematic pills, strange surgeries, doubtful diagnoses, karmic cure-alls, and just getting what you need. Saturday October 4th, 8pm at MainLine Theatre (3997 blvd St

Confabulation Presents: Bad Medicine